June 11, 2018

Dante in practice by AV School (Dutch)

AV School organizes a Dante training in collaboration with FACE on Monday June 11 . Dante digital audio networks seem an inevitable part of the AV sector. In this practical course we specifically work with Dante networks.

Together we look at different types of setups with their corresponding settings and do's and don'ts. Where does it sometimes go wrong? Which working methods and actions do you follow best?

We build different setups from small to large. We end up with a complete PA installation on Dante from the mixer to your processor and amplifiers. In addition we'll also look at conference system setups. This way you learn how to put the best practices to good use and you can arm yourself against common mistakes.

If you also want to follow the AV networking course you can enjoy 25 euro discount.

For this course a basic knowledge of Dante (Level 1 & 2) and networks is desired.

This course is suitable for both audio technicians from the event sector and the theaters, but also for IT and fixed installation technicians.

If possible, please bring your own laptop.

For this course you can work with the SME portfolio (KMO portefeuille).

Do you have a question about this course, do not hesitate to contact us.

  • Date: Monday June 11 - 2018
  • Location: Face, Hoek 76 - unit 301, 2850 Boom
  • Hours: 09h30 to 18h00
  • Catering: lunch and drinks are provided
  • Bring your own laptop if possible
  • Price: € 225 excl 21% VAT (€ 272,25 incl VAT)
  • Discount: € 25 when participating the  AV networking course
  • Via the SME portfolio (KMO-portefeuille) this course can be subsidised

This course is in Dutch!

Register Here


Hoek 76 - unit 301, 2850 Boom