ETC Eos v2.5 adds new playback and Direct Select tools
FACE for professionals
FACE for MI Resellers
FACE Project Integration
A brand new feature is added with the creation of preset lists on faders a quick and easy way to create your custom effects and cue lists. This and lots more in the new version 2.5 for Eos consoles.
Key features in Eos v2.5 include:
- Channel/Parameter filters and Preset and IFCB Palette lists on playbacks
- New “Masters Only” playback setting
- Revised, customisable Direct Select workspace
- Graphical shuttering tools
- New channel level release flag
- Support for MIDI note input
The update also enables the Gio @5 console, which provides the top-of-the-line convenience of motorised faders and touchscreen Direct Selects in a more compact, affordable desk.
ETC Eos v2.5 Supplement to Manual