New GigaCore Firmware Release v3.0.0
FACE for professionals
FACE for MI Resellers
FACE Project Integration
Related products: GigaCore 10, 12, 14R, 16Xt, 16RFO and 26i
- AVB is now allowed in multiple groups. (Fig 1)

- PTPv2 E2E clocking is now enabled by default on all ports in all groups.
- WebUI: Port protection feature has been added to prevent from accidentally selecting ports and changing their Group (VLAN) assignment. (Fig 2)

- WebUI: Configurable IGMP querier IP address dialog has been added. (Fig 3)

- The mode LED is now dim when the port is set to disabled.
- Default behaviour of flooding is now set to disabled.
- Automatic jumbo frame settings activated only on ports where an AVB device is connected to. This allows the use of AVB and Jumbo frame applications on the same switch.
- Management Group is now by default untagged on the ISL. (Fig 4)

- Improved robustness when handling BiDi SFP modules.
- For AVID setups: A GigaCore which is not a root bridge, now correctly follows the HelloTime of the root bridge. This results in that the HelloTime in an AVID AVB setup, does not need to be manually configured anymore.
- The AVB legacy selection box has been removed from the WebUI. The function remains accessible via API though.
- Improved robustness on topology changes. A topology change is not triggered anymore by connecting/disconnecting edge devices.
- A bug was fixed where custom VID settings would sometimes, depending on the order of making the changes, return to default value after a reboot.
- An issue was resolved when assigning a port to ISL that was previously assigned to a non-management group, had the incorrect native VLAN ID.
- Customised VLAN IDs in Groups now load correctly after reboot.
- A bug was fixed where IGMP LEAVE didn’t always clean up the multicast entries correctly.
A factory reset is needed after the upgrade to benefit from all new features.
Please mind that following defaults settings have been changed:
- AVB now by default enabled in management Group.
- PTPv2 end to end clocking is now available on all ports in all Groups.
- IGMP: Unknown flooding is now disabled by default.
- ISL: Management Group is now untagged by default on the ISL.
Download this version from our website:
For best performance and consistency, we advise users to upgrade to the latest version.
It is also advised to upgrade Araneo to the latest version v1.7.0
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